“I don’t care about architecture. Please take me off your email list.”
That was one response email I got recently when I completely reworked and re-presented RMSArchitecture’s website. Most of the feedback I had received was positive and encouraging, but this one from a local business owner was both shocking and yet validating at the same time. I don’t even have an e-mail list (maybe I should?). But after owning and operating my own practice for ten years, this businessman’s perspective validated a hunch I have had for some time about my local market.
Pretty sad, huh? What does that tell you?
Nearly every week I get a telephone call from someone who needs a cheap drafting service (to draw up their own ideas for them) or a Stamp-for-Sale (because the Building Official requires a stamp). Honestly, I provide neither service if that’s what they are shopping for and nothing else. Good Architects are specially gifted and motivated to provide both function and meaning beyond.
We envision and create environments that go beyond what is merely adequate. To design a space that will accommodate sixty people for dinner is easy. But a serious and forward-thinking restaurateur will be very concerned about the total customer experience, from the quality of food ingredients to the comfort of the chairs and the mood effects of lighting. Starbuck’s knows this very well: they hope you will buy their coffee, but what they are selling is an experience that they hope you will want to repeat often. And so, they select building materials, furnishings, lighting, and even music to work in concert, making an architectural brand that resonates on a personal level – by design. Most of us like it, even if we may not prefer their house blend’s flavor.
So look around. See the difference that design quality and care about architecture make. And, imagine what things would be if everyone simply stopped at form follows function for the cheapest price possible. Then, call us – You should Love where you Live, Work, Learn, and Play!
Tidbits and notions toward better Architecture
Architects Architect and Designers Interior Design in Clemson, SC Architects Architect and Designers Interior Design in Seneca, SC Architects Architect and Designers Interior Design in Easley, SC in Anderson, SC in Greenville, SC